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February 27, 2009



Betsy, I love them, and so will everyone who receives such a lovely handmade gift from you today at the retreat. I especially love the envelopes you packaged them in.

Roz Cawley

Oh, what lucky participants, to be receiving such delightful packages, Betsy - put together with such love and care! I'm so impressed to also see you using the skills acquired in your recent class - I love to learn things like this, but then so often do not put them into practice!
Have a wonderful time at the Retreat - then come back and show us all that you have made :-)

Ann Somerset Miles

These are so lovely and what enjoyment they will give.

Kelly Dale

Betsy, I love your blog! My name is Kelly Dale and I sat next to you in the Louise McClure bracelet class. You are now on my favorites list! Love the Charms you made! Where did you get the cool stamp?


How cute are these! I love how you packaged them also!

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